Trump might turn out to be a blessing for Pakistan

Everyone in Pakistan was happy when Trump said Pakistan is a “fantastic country” with “fantastic people.” He was talking on telephone with Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz shareef. Trump has offered his services that he could use his negotiating skills to resolve Kashmir  dispute between India and Pakistan and Palestine problem in Middle East. It is wonderful political agenda for peace in the world. If Trump is able to make a head way in resolving Kashmir and Palestine, he would do a great favors to the world. I believe he can do it with his successful negotiating skills as top businessman and above all most influential political leader of United States. Anger and extremism in Muslim world would be brought to lowest ebb if such a development takes place. This would be a history and God knows Trump succeeds in this also.

 Vice President-elect Mike Pence also expressed same hope while in “Meet the Press” on Sunday.  He said that Kashmir is among the spots where Trump can deploy his “extraordinary deal making skills to bear on lessening tensions and solving problems in the world.” He’s already made ripples on both sides of the border — and not in a way that seemed to forge common ground.


Pak adviser Mr. Sartaj Aziz could not take a cup of tea at Golden Temple

Mr. Sartaj Aziz, the seasoned diplomat and Pakistani Prime minister’s adviser on foreign affairs, currently attending the Heart of Asia conference, in Amritsar wanted to visit the holiest site of Sikhs, the Golden Temple on 4 December 2016. Surprisingly, he was not allowed by Indian security establishment to visit the site.  Times of India reported that Mr. Sartaj Aziz was kept “virtually detained” in the hotel on flimsy pretext of security concern. Sikh community of Khalsa had arranged a warm reception and cup of tea for old Pakistani diplomat. It was the move by Sikhs community to thank Pakistan for warm hospitality which was extended to Sikh pilgrimages during recent celebration of birth of their first Guru, the saint Nanak at Hassan Abdal.  Sikhs and Muslims share lot of cultural and religious similarities. The main and very important pillar of both religions is “God is One”.People from both religions don’t approve idol worshipping and caste system. Pakistan has started building soft power in India by facilitating Sikhs during their visits to religious sites in Pakistan. It is a good idea to counter Indian baseless propaganda against Pakistan.

Raheel Sharif, Thank You

General Raheel Sharif, the Chief of Army Staff of Pakistan, has retired on 29 November 2016. However, he has left behind a very powerful legacy, unheard of in Pakistan.  He has donated most of his service benefits; residential plots to ‘Pakistan Army Welfare Trust’ for welfare of martyrs’ families. Though, it is a small contribution, but the very gesture speaks very high of the outgoing chief. He is the third leader in Pakistan after the founder of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammahd Ali Jinnah and first PM of Pakistan, Liaqat Ali khan to take such a step. After handing over Pak Army command to General Qammar Javed Bajwah , he did not fall back to his official accommodation, ‘Army House’ and straight went to his native town.

Thank you,  Raheel Sharif, for reviving the values and traditions of this noble Project, named Pakistan.